0 Comments 22 November 2023

Representative of the Environmental Science Department Participated in The 12th International Graduate Students and Scholars Conference in Indonesia (IGSSCI)

Yogyakarta, Indonesia – Lecturer and two students of Environmental Science Department UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta participated in the 12th International Graduate Students and Scholars Conference in Indonesia (IGSSCI) on 7-8 November 2023.


Qinanthi and Adelia Putri had the chance to enrich their knowledge as participants in the conference with the theme: Ethics and Accountability in Politics, Sciences, and Professions in Indonesia, which was held at the Graduate School Programme, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. The conference brings two sessions with six-panel topics where the presenter can present their original work. On day one, Mrs. Annida Unnatiq Ulya, M.Sc, lecturer of the environmental science department, presented her paper titled Integrating Islamic Education and Environmental Ethics: A Literature Review and Implications for Future Research. The paper shows the critical aspect of integrating education, religion, and environmental ethics to reach future sustainability in Muslim life in Indonesia.

Environmental Science Representative

Ethics and accountability have long been a significant concern for the society. Thus, ethics for environmental care as one field in environmental science is relevant to people’s lives. It shows how people relate to nature as a whole system by being respectful and responsible to the environment and the creatures within. Hopefully, after participating in this conference, representatives of the environmental science department will have broad insight into the urgency of making a good relationship with nature through applying moral values taught in university.

Source: AU, Qinanthi & Adelia Putri – Enviro 23

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